Get in touch with your potential customers through banner ads on, and and the newsletter.
With a banner on we can help you get in touch with the segments in the construction industry you want, because our articles and categories are aimed at specific groups of readers in the construction industry.
We have four main banner positions: a top banner at the top of every page, column banners in two different sizes, as well as a project banner on individual construction projects.
Each banner position can contain up to four banners in rotation – and can be limited to certain parts of the site – which ensures that your banner will only be seen by the relevant recipients of your messages.
Many of our advertisers have requested the ability to have a banner ad placed in direct connection with our presentation of construction projects. We now offer this possibility with a banner ad format 300 × 250 pixels on the project presentation.
Like all banners on the site, these banners be both animated Flash banners or static jpeg or gif images.
Remember, if you want to target your banner impressions for a certain audience, on a specific theme section for example, it can of course be arranged.
Other creative banner sizes or placements – eg. video banners and creative backgrounds – are also an option. Let us know your wishes and we will find a solution.
Our newsletter comes out to over 4,000 recipients with backgrounds in the professional construction industry and who quickly react to the content and messages in the newsletter. Here you have the opportunity to present editorial messages and banner advertising.
As a web partner on you get the opportunity to publish your own news articles on an equal footing with our journalists. If you want to promote your new fence, app, safety shoes, office furniture, or cement mixture, present your new employee, invite to an event, or just have some good news about your company, the partnership is a great opportunity to be seen by the right eyes.
Please contact your media consultant for prices:
Media consultent Steffen Aunø 4813 1375 –
Media consultent Finn Chortsen 4813 1372 –